Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Beer and Brats Cancer Diet

When I was first researching for what else to do about my lung cancer diagnosis besides the traditional means I would be taking, I kept running across all kinds of suggestions for changing diet as a way of beating cancer, usually quite dramatically. Among the horrible visions going through my mind were ones of flax oil in cottage cheese or quitting either all kinds of meat or even just leaving pork behind filtered through my head from time to time.

My thought finally was that probably these odd diets probably work for some people, particularly if they believe they will. Faith can certainly do wonders. However, with with my lack of faith in any of them, I would do well to just avoid them. There may even be a way of targeting such diets to just those cancer types that they may really help. However, until that day, I plan to continue with what I call with tongue firmly in cheek, ?The Beer and Brats Cancer Diet?.

On this Diet (or Procedure, as I sometimes call it), I also enjoy foods that don?t involve beer and brats. The important thing is to eat things that I do enjoy, particularly of a protein nature, such as steaks, roasts or chops, which would keep my weight up, or spicy, such as Indian or Jamaican food. However, salads are pretty cool too, especially with steak.

I am no expert, but in this diet I include supplements that are most likely to actually fight cancerthrough more than as a morale booster, such as turmeric, quercitin, grape seed extract (Resveratrol) and milk thistle for my liver. Then I can have a beer (and maybe a brat if I am hungry).

My first CAT scan after starting Tarceva shows the cancer to be stable and no indication of it still affecting the lymph nodes. However, with all the scar tissue from the radiation suggests to me that, if I beat the damned thing, I will never be quite sure of it.

My glass is certainly a lot more than half full. In addition to being married to a wonderful lady, I will still have the Beer and Brats Cancer Diet as long as I am healthy. Plus I get a lot of inspiration here, for which I am grateful. Special kudos go out to`both Marie and Art.


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